Thursday, June 5, 2014

Psalm 31 “Faith is the Victory ”

“Truth  for Truckers” *March 1, 2014*  Psalm 31  “Faith is the Victory ”

      ‘Faith is the Victory’ is the title for this Psalm for not only does it begin with a strong declaration of faith: ‘In Thee O LORD, do I put my trust’ but, trust in the LORD is mentioned three other times in this twenty-four verse song of David underlining his great faith in his God. And, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17) so, in order for us to have David-like faith we must daily digest the Word of God.

     Because of his firm, faith filled statement David requests: ‘Let me never be ashamed: deliver me in Thy righteousness.’ His desire for the LORD’s working to keep him from discouragement and disappointment is coupled with his request for the LORD’s delivering power demonstrating His own righteousness is centered upon the righteousness every present-day saint receives from the Cross of the Lord Jesus. In David’s day, the Lord imputed His righteousness to those who believed in view of the future sacrifice of Christ.

     These four requests are focused clearly upon the LORD’s miraculous ability to rescue: ‘Bow down Thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be Thou my strong rock, for an house of defense to save me.’ (v.2) He asks for the LORD to listen, and quickly save him, and defend him asking Him to be his ‘Strong Rock’ which relates directly to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Deliverer, He is the One Who saves, the Great Rescuer of the souls of men.

     The following personal titles for the LORD show David’s devoted attachment to Him:
  1. My Rock (v.3)
  2. My Fortress (v.3)
  3. My Strength (v.4)
  4. My God (v.14)

     This powerful Psalm has a total of fifteen bold, faith-filled requests from David to his LORD indicating his complete dependence on God for his moment by moment needs. This illustrates the central theme of the book of Psalms which is found in Psalm 57:2-“I will cry unto God Most High, unto God who performs all things for me.” Crying out unto the Most High God who is in control of all that occurs in our life is a major lesson from Psalm 31 for He alone has the ability and grace to sustain us through our every single situation we encounter regardless, for His grace is always sufficient. (II Corinthians 12:9)

     The last two verses of this lengthy Psalm give two vital commands for the saint:
  1. O love  the LORD, all ye His saints (v.23)
  2. Be of good courage (v.24)

     The promises that result from obedience to these commands reveal their great importance to the saint, for if we love the LORD He will preserve and plentifully reward us. If we maintain good courage He will strengthen our heart as we hope in the LORD for all our needs both physical and spiritual!

Chaplain L.E.Wolfe   I-85 Exit 35 SC  McPilot   Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!


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