‘Truth for Truckers’*February 19, 2014* Psalm 19 “Exalting
God’s Revelation”
of the major truths found within this Word exalting Psalm is the fact that God
is was and always will speak through His heavenly creation: ‘The heavens declare the glory of God, and
the firmament shows His handy work. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto
night shows knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is
not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the
end of the world.’
Therefore, all men have and will hear in
their own language spoken to the soul of each person the very existence of a
creator God spoken from His own supernatural Spirit as He works through the
presence and power of His creative revelation of Himself. This is how the LORD
draws men to His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. As men
seek the God of creation He brings them the truth of redemption by His Spirit
who glorifies the Son and continues to draw all men to the Light of the world
who ‘lights every man that cometh into
the world.’(John 1:9)
‘For the invisible things of Him from
the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that
are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse’
(Romans 1:20) This is God’s love in
action as He speaks to the soul of every man He creates giving each one of them
the opportunity to come to Him and be saved. This
highly informative Psalm deals with the revelation of God at all three levels:
God’s Creative Revelation (v.1-6) God’s Written Revelation (v.7-13) and God’s
Personal Revelation (v.14). First He revealed Himself through creation, then
His precious Word, and finally He personally came to earth as the Son of God,
the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ.
His written revelation is thoroughly
described utilizing five different descriptive titles. The Law of the LORD
emphasizes the Decalogue or the Ten Commandments, but it also includes the
numerous teachings and instructions given to Moses there at mount Sinai. The ‘testimony of the LORD’ focuses upon
His declaration concerning His nature and actions, ‘the statutes of the LORD’ emphasize the civil and religious
appointments of the Law, ‘the
commandments of the LORD’ indicate His authoritative orders, and ‘the judgments of the LORD’ are His
legal pronouncements.‘The fear of the
LORD’ is recorded in the list, but, it has to do with man’s response to
God’s revelation and his reverence, respect and the healthy dread of sinning
against the God Who is Creator, Owner, and Righteous Judge of all that exists.
Then, man’s response to God’s revelation:
‘More to be desired are they than gold,
yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.’ These
two responses emphasize the unprecedented value and the sweet effect God’s
revelation provides to anyone who experiences the spiritual impact and the
reality of what His Word bestows upon the believer. But, the last verse
describing the Word of God shows its vital necessity to the Believer: “Moreover by them is Thy servant warned,
and in keeping of them there is great reward.” (v.12) The Word of God if
read with the expectation of getting answers to personal issues, will give the
Believer those answers as they read and believer God will deliver. The Lord
will warn His child with His supernatural Word and He will supply great rewards
to His obedient child. This is our application Drivers! Stay in the Word and
receive the Lord’s blessings as He promises in this powerful Psalm!
After penning this supreme display of the
Word of God, David is reminded personal weakness and makes two requests: “Keep back Thy servant also from
presumptious sins: let them not have dominion over me’ He recognizes his
need for the Lord’s intervention and help in the area of his weakness. David
then gives the result of the Lord’s help: ‘Then
shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.’
(v.13) But, his final statement gives us the application statement to us
Drivers, in view of all that this Psalm reveals: ‘Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be
acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.’ Let us
meditate upon God’s Word!
Chaplain L.E.Wolfe www.btmi.org
I-85 Exit 35 SC McPilot Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!
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